Hifi Gear Demo Room

If you want to get the best sound from your existing hifi  or home cinema system, without spending a fortune, follow these 10 easy tips:

1. Make sure all of the drive unit screws holding them into the baffle of the loudspeaker are very tight. Any unwanted movement of the driver chassis relative to the cabinet whilst playing music will detract from fine detail and dynamics. Note, don't be tempted to over tighten.

2. Ensure all plugs are securely attached to the audio and speaker cables, are free from any oxidisation and contamination, and making a good connection. If necessary, use a cotton bud moistened with isopropyl alcohol to clean metal audio plugs and audio sockets. Re-solder any dry joints with good quality silver solder.

3. Ensure loudspeakers are stable on their floor position or stands, by leveling with adjustable floor spikes with the aid of a small spirit level. Any movement of the speaker when playing music will seriously limit fidelity of overall sound. If you need to protect the floor from spike damage ( eg on wooden floors ) use spike shoes.

4. Disconnect all cables from your system including audio, speaker and mains cables, and re-connect so that 'loops' of different cables are not produced. Make sure each cable, especially mains cables, are kept physically separate from audio and speaker cables.

5. Play a system enhancer CD whilst you are doing something else to refresh your system components back to optimum potential.

6. Make sure your listening position allows your ears to be at the same height as your tweeter speaker drive units for best stereo imaging and detail.

7. Deaden you room acoustics by hanging a thick rug the wall opposite your loudspeakers - this will reduce reflection of sound waves and improve definition and clarity. Add soft cushions for further treatment if necessary.

8. Position loudspeakers at least 0.5m from the nearest wall to avoid excessive bass boom, and toe the loudspeakers in so that the point imaginary triangle formed by the sound waves meets at the listening position.

9. Most cd players and amplifiers will benefit from some simple vibration isolation - cut squash balls in half and position them under the feet of your hifi components so that vibration from your loudspeakers does not reach the sensitive electronics of your hifi.

10. Install a flat, lightweight wall shelf to support your turntable - and footfall or vibration from external sources will be significantly reduced, and your records will sound much clearer with better stereo imagery.